Its been weeks since my last post and I have soooo much to share with you all. Its been a whirlwind of a ride with heaps going on in our household so time to spill the beans.

First our greatest, bestest and most exciting news is that Dan and I are expecting a baby!Yippee! I am now 15.5 weeks pregnant and we are beside ourselves with excitement. Its a text book pregnancy and only recently because of all my blood works and Nuchal Scan result my OB equated me to being a 20 year old pregnant women which I'm cheering about given I'm 40, as you can imagine Dan is cheering about it for a completely different man like reasoning, his being that he now exclaims he is married to a 20 year old...cheeky bugger! :)

So bubba is due February 10th and as much as I am enjoying thus far and know I will the rest of the pregnancy I just want our little bundle to arrive...Grow baby Grow! tee hee

I also had my birthday earlier in the month, turning 40 wasn't as upsetting as I thought it would be tee hee I was surrounded by some special people and enjoyed a scrummy lunch at our local surf's one of my pressies that my gorgeous hubby and best GF (thanks Lisa lots of kisses for you chickie)sorted out for me,love ya guys and love My Cricut Expression!
I haven't done any scrapping these past few weeks, Chels from Scrapboutique gave me a month off from my stylist work so I could rest and to spend some time with my mum, Helen who has been visiting from down south. 
But here is a little ATC I did of a Bower Bird
This one is a Self Portrait.
...and some old pages I did a couple of months ago.
So nice to finally be back in the blogger world...stay tuned for some baby posts on deciding a theme and then decorating the nursery, my next big project begins after the week 20 scan woohoo!

Hope your all well...


  1. Oh that is just awesome Em!! Congratulations to you both and all the best for a beautiful and safe pregnancy.

  2. Oh Em I'm absolutely over the moon for you! A huge congrats to you both!!! Wishing you all the best for the rest of your pregnancy and the safe arrival of your little bubba!

    ps. Happy belated birthday to you too!!! *mwah*

  3. congratulations Em .... all the best for the rest of your pregnancy.

  4. Oh wow em totally love all thsee layouts!!! We are all so happy for you and dan!! I cant wait to meet the lil chicken!! see you soon xxx

  5. Congratulations Emma, that's great news :) Hope it all goes ok for you x

  6. Eeeeee! Congrats Em! I'm sure you and Dan are gonna be awesome parents! Plus you live close to an almost personal doctor.....guess you have to go spend a lot more time with Lisa soon lol

  7. Oh just love those atc and layouts Emma,just stunning


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