The special April/May combo issue is now available!
The magazine is jam packed with inspiring artwork, tutorials and fun stuff there is so much content that it is publish twice a month. If you already have a subscription, we hope you love it as much as we do. If you don't what are you waiting for?
Part 1: is full of inspirating eye candy and lots of visual content- calls, sketches, featured artist and designer spotlights to name a few.
Part 2: is a journey into the land of knowledge and learning. Lots of in-depth articles, tutorials, videos and plenty of product reviews and road tests to motivate.
Check out our current issue of which part 1 is already publish, part 2 will be viewable Sunday May 27th U.S.A time.
Also for the remainder of this double issue you can view my video tutorial on creating digital patterned papers using your brush tools, which is an easy to follow stepped out process on PSE.
So pop on over to SNR and check out the themed calls for future issues and get yourself a free 1month subscription if your submitted project is published!
Off to check ou the magazine Em, sounds great!