I wouldn't normally engage you in a discussion like this but I am really curious what you think about  sharing our ideas...

The article below was posted by a friend of mine on a popular social network and it evoked some concerns from a couple of people that infact we should not share our ideas, as its simply 'just a license for someone to use another persons intellectual property for their own gains...'


I have difficulty swallowing that train of thought as I am not sure being so guarded about our ideas is necessarily the right approach either.

I do understand completely the concerns expressed and I am most certainly not quashing them as there are definitely unsavoury people out there that ride on the coat tails of others and claim the benefits. However I also feel that no matter how interesting and innovative our idea(s), there is a variation of it already out there. I mean gee we are all so tightly woven in our networks, social and print medias that its inevitable that we would be influenced and motivated by each other in some way or I guess I am saying that surely '...sharing the knowledge, ideas and concepts' whether it be a technique or a new design can only be beneficial to all?

Unfortunately I have seen a rise (and have to admit I, myself have been caught up) in trying to make a buck from scrapbooking if only to subsidise my need to acquire 'all things scrap-a-licious...' (btw I didn't coin that phrase tee hee), that sadly its easy to lose sight of the fact that this is scrapbooking, its not comparable to Einsteins Theory of Relativity. So lets just enjoy the 'process' no matter how cliched that may sound. I mean seriously the true essence of the art of scrapbooking is to capture all those precious memories, not to be 'precious' about it.

What do you think, do you agree, or have I ruffled some feathers? 


  1. No feathers ruffled here...the more you share, the more you enjoy sharing, the greater the kick you get out of it & the more comes right on back to you. Far as I'm concerned this speaks of a 'life choice' philosophy that may start with scrapping, but goes right to the core of who you are & what you want/expect in/from life. I LOVE sharing!!! It's truly an amazing journey to see what someone can do with your idea. EG: sent some handmade flowers to a friend..she thought to mist them...viola! Something new that I can then use. Would I have thought that up without sharing first? NUP! Not on your nelly:):):) And, Em...glad you share:):):)

    1. Your so right Lizzy especially about it transcending past scrapping and into being a life choice. xo

  2. Totally, share and do not be precious about it. The more you give the more you will receive. Some people are waaaaaaay to precious about it, totally not worth it in my opinion!!

  3. Em as I said on FB I am in 2 minds, I am once bitten, twice bitten, 3 times bitten [u get the picture] >>> Im shy and at times soured, but I still choose to share, but it aint always easy ;) :) :)

    Lou xxx

    1. I know hunnie its difficult at times and like you I still choose to share...however regarding this article I think the essence of its message was misunderstood and the discussion interestingly went on a completely different tangent.

      Still it warrants discussion, and I am certainly enjoying reading the points raised...and partly agree that the wording can be deemed slightly generalised in tone and perhaps that is questionable, but ultimately I believe you can't claim ownership on an 'idea or thought' because whose to say that 10,000 other people across this planet havent already or are thinking exactly the same thing as I am right now? The trick is to be aware of your thoughts and ideas, improve on them and then run with them.

      I think in my case that will take atleast another 10 re-incarnations before that concept completely sinks in tee hee ;)

    2. I'm so incredibly grateful that you share Miss have such a wonderful talent!

  4. Go Lou! Even if peeps disappoint you at times, you sound like you can just take that on board & move on...their problem, not yours:):)
    Hey,'re UP on SCRAP FRIENDS...just saw it myself....looks great. You ARE great:):):)

    1. oooh I saw Lizzy, how exciting hunnie! Thank you xo

  5. I do agree with you Em, lets not loose sight of it & keep it in perspective as you say, it is just scrapbooking & not a new miracle cure for some disease!! I figure what goes around comes around. I think in this world of blog it is wonderful to inspire & be inspired by those around you. It would be great though if some unscrupulous people were a little more honest where they get their ideas from. If you see something you like, by all means take inspiration from it but remember to to give credit to the artist. Cheers Di xo

  6. Hmmm I too saw this & the debate it created...certainly some interesting points of view! I'm all for sharing, I don't believe I'd be the scrapper I am without the inspiration from others, but I would never intentionally 'copy' someone else's work. There is so much inspiration out included! I remember creating a circle template after seeing one of your layouts, I simply loved your circle design. Was I wrong to replicate one element of your work??? I certainly hope not! I'm all for giving credit to people who inspire me & you'll see that on my blog, but honestly I do sometimes forget where I saw something, does that mean we can't include that element in our creations??? I'm not comfortable with copying someone's work...I remember at a retreat I did a layout heavily inspired by the lovely Lou & at the bottom I wrote "layout inspired by Louise Nelson". I few people, including Lou asked why I did me the layout wasn't mine to take credit for, even though I did it, to me my only contribution was the photo. I love the layout, but I would never try to have it published or the like. I'm totally stunned when I hear people actually enter or submit layouts they have done in classes??? I guess it comes down to your own 'moral gauge'.
    There is so much amazing talent out there & I am forever grateful for their sharing! :)

    1. Oooh! That's an interesting submit something done at a all depends, really, doesn't it? I find you tend to make the LO's "yours" anyway...& I'm the same as you, Paula ~ sometimes I'll forget where I saw something...or how about I LOVE those little scrolls, which I saw at both Lindy & Heather's blogs....& that's where I got the idea, but I probably won't mention them - or I might - but I won't feel OBLIGED to do so when I use them on a LO. is that wrong of me? I sort of presume they got the idea somewhere else! Man! Open a can of worms...

    2. I think Lizzy this is where we can get too precious about it all. For example no-one owns a circle, I maybe known for using them alot in my pages but that doesnt mean I created the concept. I am influenced by so many creative avenues including other people, design trends and nature, and if I can motivate someone to consider using a circle template in their designs when ordinarily they wouldn't that is fantastic but I wouldn't expect to be credited for it. Its so cool to read Paula that in some way I triggered/prompted you to give a circle a go I wouldn;t ordinarily have known that so thank you for sharing with me, thats exactly one of the reasons why I love scrapbooking and hey your not crediting me your simply sharing your process which is so so wonderful.

      But when we are talking about out and out plagiarism well thats obviously a big no no. I would never submit an LO to be published if it was created from a class or kit with sketch included but sadly people do it.

      I figure if someone wants to copy a sketch of mine and claim it as their own then fooey to them. In the past this would have completely riled me but you know what I figure thats their issue, their lack of creativity, their moral lacking not mine. Having that attitude has freed me, I no longer care so long as people continue to enjoy my work then I will continue enjoy making, sharing and learning more about this scrappy goodness, its really as simple as that well for me it is :))

  7. wow.. I have read this and all the comments with great interest.. I think we all get something from everyone, so who is the creator of it in the first place?? I look at 100's of blogs each week and I am certain I retain something of what I see in my mind and I reckon some of this comes out in my layouts at a later date.. but does this mean I copied someone because of this??? Personally I try and say what I have used on my layouts if I think someone may be interested... like a new paper range, or a die cut on my big shot.. There will always be someone who replicates a layout and calls it their own, but how crazy does one go in the name of copyright?? Man if someone thought my work was so good they wanted to copy it then I would be quite chuffed!!haha! but then I guess if something gets published in a magazine and it is clearly not their original creation and they get financial gain from it then that may be another matter.. but it certainly is a subject that will raise a lot of opinions i think.. so thanks for sharing...lizzy


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