Hi everyone, welcome to the month of June, we’re half way through the year already, GULP! And to celebrate I’m hosting my very first Journaling challenge! I thought it would be fun to use ‘LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE’ as our journaling prompt. So let’s share a story or experience that actually elevated you into a happy place. This doesn’t necessarily mean you were left in fits of laughter but instead something that made you feel happy, relieved or joyful.

You must pen a minimum of three (3) sentences below I have included some examples to help kick start your journaling but hey anything goes with this one!
1- Document something you saw, like Instant karma working at its best.
2- Those funny quips your kid comes out with on those seemingly mundane moments of day to day life.
3- Perhaps it was an unexpected interaction with someone you know or a stranger that brought you joy.
4- Maybe it was a special message/ heavenly gift from someone up above.
5- You could include an Inspirational Quote as part of your journaling and one that resonated or made you smile.

Here is my story and page dedicated to my wonderful Aunty and her little gift of joy sent from heaven.


It was the day of your funeral & your wake. Mum and I were feeling so overwhelmed with emotion we glanced across the room and instantly knew that each other needed to step out of the fray and regroup in the front garden even just for a quick moment. We were missing your dry sense of humour, the kind of wit that not everyone got but we did. It was one part of your amazingness!  We were postulating at what you’d make of all this fanfare being bestowed in the memory of you and like a gift from the heavens this happened...

Your neighbour from across the street of which you did not know too well, noticed us and in a friendly neighbourly way he announced… 
‘You wouldn’t be caught dead inside, on such a beautiful day like today!’ 

OH.EM.GEE! (something you’d always say)… in unison mum and I looked at each other then up to the heavens above and knew straight away that you had a hand in this! The immense happiness we felt at that moment could never be quantified, you were still with us right there in your front garden being cheeky & just a little bit naughty too. Thank you Aunty Lol for the joy you brought us everyday & well beyond because even in Heaven you’re still making us laugh. All our love Helen & Em. xox

Remember our monthly challenge rules:

Your page must contain at least 75% Lilypad product. Your page should be posted to the Lilypad Gallery and then linked to the JUNE Challenge Layouts thread so it can be tracked, and to this thread.

The Lilypad uses a percent system for our challenges; the number of challenges you participate in determines the store discount you will receive at the end of the month:

2 challenges = 10% off
4 challenges = 20% off
6 challenges = 30% off

If you complete 7 challenges, you will receive a coupon for 30% off, plus you will be entered to win a $50 gift certificate from the Lilypad! The first seven challenges will be posted on the first of the month; the eighth challenge is the BYOC challenge, which is posted on BYOC release day. Each page counts for one challenge (you cannot use one layout for multiple challenges).

I can't wait to read your stories!

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Thank you for visiting my blog and for leaving some lurve, you are the best! xox