Well hello guys, this poor blog has been negelected the past few weeks...I have been so busy with my store launch! Did you know I have a store now? Did you know I am a legit digital designer? Did you know I am on cloud 9 to finally be working (having fun) doing my dream job?! hehehe

Its almost a week since my little business The Nifty Pixel opened its doors over at Scrap Stacks! Its been a long time coming but finally its kicked off and things have gone great so far (touch wood) lol. I have been busy and on the biggest learning curve, designing and packaging, planning my releases and coordinating my fab team of digital and hybrid scrappers which has been tonnes of fun, albeit pulling long hours but hey thats what you do at start up don't you??? Or am I seriously lacking organisational skills, I know my filing abilities are shocking spent most of yesterday sorting out my folders on 3 different External HD's flippen cray cray!

Anyways I thought just incase you havent been over to my business blog which is HERE, I'd share some of my pages created using my digital kits and packs hope thats okay. I am just a little excited by all this so figured a little showing off would be totally okay with you guys hehehe. The first two pages  not only feature my first digital kit 'Dreams Come True' but they also showcase a series of packs I have released tonight that are what I call 'The Nifty Tool Kits', handy little packs ;)

As a scrapper I love paper collections and digital kits that are really versatile. I seem to gravitate toward ones that are fairly non specific in theme. I reckon thats because it enables you to really go to town with your own theme. I do love a touch of modern mixed with vintage and will be going this way with most of my kits so as to get the extra mileage out of a kit.

Look at these two pages...they are a great example of how different they look yet both use the same digital kit!! You can create an elegant feminine page or mix it up a bit with some cool screenprint style alpha like my Pencilled In Alpha Pack to create a funky boy page. See what I mean?

'Leap of Faith'
Digital Credits:

'My Boy'
Digital credits:

These next few pages are all CT work, I have been meaning to share these here for ages arghhh!
'A Big Boy'
Digital Credits:

'The Nose Picker'
Digital Credits;
STUDIO 68| Love Struck Kit & Border Madness

'Swippery Duckie'
Digital Credits:

'#1 Nutter'
Digital Credits:

If you want to keep up to date on my designing why not follow ✚The Nifty Pixel Blog, I'll post all Page Drafts related stuffs there and of course all my new releases are talked about over there too :)

Thanks for stopping by,
Hugs Em xo


  1. These look amazing Em! Well done on your new venture too!

  2. All such amazing creations Em!! Congratulations on the starting of your new venture... it all sounds so exciting!

  3. Good luck with it all.....your LOs are superb! Especially love the bold one of you down the bottom:):)


Thank you for visiting my blog and for leaving some lurve, you are the best! xox